
Hi, I’m going to stop apologising for being bad at updating this because it never changes.

Just come back from an awesome tour supporting Ginger Wildheart and the Sinners. The whole band and crew were such a joy to work with and I had the massive pleasure of being joined by Ginger and Neil Ivison (that makes them sound like a couple – they’re not) for my song Oceanographer. I already miss the guys and girls and I’m hoping we can do it all again some other day.

I don’t have too long to be pining however as I’m off again next Wednesday with sea-based folkiepunks Skinny Lister as tour support for their UK tour.

Things are already looking rather exciting for next year but I can’t go into too much detail just yet.

Thank you all for your continued support. Hopefully see you on the road soon.

Cheers x